In this specific blog I will be looking at all of the European
tams routes to the world cup
The top team here qualifies automatically and second goes
into a 2 legged play off
Pool A

Pool B
In pool B Italy have secured qualification into the world
cup. While Denmark are only one point behind Bulgaria. The Czech Republic and Armenia have
both got a chance of qualifying but they are both 3 points behind Demark so
their chances are very slim Demark play
Italy in what looks like a must get something from and Malta a must win. Bulgaria
play Czech Republic home and Armenia away. Armenia play Italy away while Czech republic
play both Malta and Bulgaria away. My prediction Bulgaria second
Pool C
Germany need 2 more points to secure qualification. Sweden
need 4 points to qualify for the play offs while Austria being 3 points behind
need to beat Sweden The Republic of Ireland are praying for a miracle. Sweden
play Austria in a must win match for Austria first then Austria then play the
faro islands and Sweden host Germany . Germany host Ireland but that will not
be easy as Ireland have a near perfect away record . Then they go to Sweden.
Ireland play Kazacktan in their final match. My prediction Germany top Sweden second
Pool D

The Netherlands have qualified for the world cup with 22
points while Hungary has 14 points and both Turkey and Romania are one point
behind. Hungary starts with a home tie with the Netherlands and then an away one
with Andorra. Turkey play Estonia at home and then the Netherlands away. Romania
play Andorra away and then Estonia at home. My prediction Romania second

Switzerland need 2 points from their last 2 games. Chasing
for second are. Iceland on 13 Slovenia on 12 Norway on 11 and Albania on 10. Slovenia
play Norway at home in the first match. Albania play Switzerland away in a must
win tie while Iceland play Cyprus at home. In the second bunch of matches
Norway play Iceland at home in a vital match while Slovenia play Switzerland
away and Albania play Cyprus away. My prediction Switzerland top Slovinia
Pool F
Russia are on top of this pool with Portugal one point
behind and Israel still in with a half a chance 5 points behind that. Russia first play Luxemburg away while
Portugal play Israel at home. In the final match Russia play Azerbyjan away Portugal play Luxemburg at home and Israel
play Northern Ireland. My prediction Russia top Portugal second
Pool G
Bosnia Herzegovina and Greece are both on 19 points while Slovakia
are still in with a half chance with 12 points. Grease play Slovakia at home
while Bosnia play Lichtenstein at home.
In the final match Lithuania play Bosnia at home, Greece play Lichtenstein at
home and Slovakia play Latvia away. My prediction Greese top Bosnea second
Pool H
England sit on top of the group with 15 points Ukraine and Montenegro
are a point behind on 15 while Poland is 2 points behind that with 13. England
play Montenegro at home while Ukraine play Poland at home and on the final day
England play Poland at home Ukraine play San Marino away and Montenegro play
Moldova at home. My prediction England first Montenegro second
Pool I
Spain and France are level with 14 points. Spain first play
Belarus at home then Georgia at home. France play Finland at home. My
prediction Spain top France second
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